Viewing system information on a Windows 10 or 11 Computer Print

  • system, information, windows 10, windows 11
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To view system information on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer, follow these steps: 

  1. Click on the Start button or press the Windows key on your keyboard.

  2. Type "System Information" and select the "System Information" option that appears.

  3. A window will appear with information about the system including the processor, memory, operating system, and other system components. 

Alternatively, you can also view system information by: 

  1. Right-clicking on the Start button and selecting "System."

  2. A window will appear with information about the device, including the processor, memory, and installed operating system.

You can also go to Control Panel -> System & Security -> System and you will see the basic information about your computer, the processor, memory, system type and the version of Windows installed. 

Another way is by using the command prompt, open it and type "systeminfo". This command will show the basic information of your computer such as the OS version, BIOS version, uptime, and much more. 

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